Art- Sound- Performance
To inspire and nurture from the very first note, beat, even thought of music. At any age or stage of life you can get a desire to play an instrument, sing, dance, perform
Andy Corby Music works at all levels giving support and structure across the board as you find your own passion and place with music

A passion for all things
At Andy Corby Music there is a passion for all things music and that is one of the first elements that makes the connection between knowing about art and being able to pass it on and inspire others.
At all times and whatever level of tution, consulting, performing, the emphasis is on real world experience and how best to pass on the passion.

Player, performer
the live experience
To be part of a live performing band is a major reason for many people to take up a musical instrument in the first place and with the right guidance and support you can make that happen very quickly.
Andy Corby Music has developed methods and has the skill needed to integrate even the early stages of learning with live performance.

Teaching the whole
Tuition can be the most influential part of it all as at whatever age it's generally the first time you interact with another musician and begin to discover more about your own talent along with another world of influences, musical culture.
Guildhall, Rock School, Royal School grades along with free choice- just show me how to play! Artist studies from any genre or style it's teaching the whole

The equipment
makes a difference
What should I get? What do I need? As a parent buying for your son or daughter, or when it comes to the next big step in your set up it really helps to talk it through and find out from an unbiased source as you look through the ever growing number of products on offer.
Speak to Andy Corby Music for advice on the equipment that makes a difference.
"Contact me any time - lessons, recording, bands, consultancy, it's all things music here"
Andy Corby